Santa Clause came to the May house this year. Damon,Andee and Katelynn were obviously good little boys and girls. Hmmmm...ya, i guess they were alright. Damon woke up nice and early, shall we say 6? I put him back to bed, 2 min later, out of bed again, back to bed, 1 min later out of bed this time, he said he had to go pee. The little sneak ran downstairs to use the bathroom when there was a perfectly good one upstairs. Tyler went down to find him jumping on the mini trampoline that Santa brought. We couldn't get his initial reaction on video because he tricked us! I had the flu that started Christmas Eve, Christmas and the day after. So glad Tyler was home to take care of the kids. Other than that it was a perfect day. So fun to see how excited the kids get about Christmas.
Damon's Presents...
Katelynn's things....
Andee's presents...
Santa made us a gingerbread house while he was here. That man is amazing, I don't know how he does it all!
Andee got these shoes from Santa, and didn't take them off all day! I caught her mid sneeze in this picture. She cracked me up all day long in those heels and that hat. What a hoot! The other day I had to run to Wal-mart and she insisted wearing her high heels there.
Little Katelynn is 4 months old. Wow, and I love her more than ever! Everytime we make eye contact, the biggest, cutest smile breaks across her face. Today was warm(40degrees as compared to the single digits) so we took full advantage and went on a nice long walk. The kids loved it! Here is a picture of Katelynn from her first winter walk. So cute, I can't get enough of her chubby little cheeks! This girl loves to eat! She will use her hands until she gets every last drop cleaned off her plate. I have to scrub her spot every single time, she is always this messy! This boy isn't so much into eating. It's amazing how little he lives on! And I never have to clean his spot, he is the cleanest eater, so careful.
Andee's 2nd birthday was so fun. She was so cute and had a blast. She got to celebrate it twice this year. First in Rexburg over Thanksgiving weekend with my side of the family, and second here in Sandy on her real birthday with Tyler's parents. She had so much fun and loved being center of attention. Damon wanted so bad to open her presents for her. He had such a hard time just watching. We had such a fun night. Thanks to all for the awesome gifts. She loves her new toys.
The girl of the night! Damon and Grandma May playing with Andee's new toys.
Worn out after so much fun, Andee and Grandpa May had to get in some cuddle time.