Enjoying the gifts we received, thank-you to all our friends and family. We miss you all and wish we could spend this Christmas Holiday with you! Merry Christmas!
After a short morning of opening presents, Andee was ready for a nap and the rest of us relaxed for a while
Damon had soccer today. It was so funny to watch him, for a couple of reasons. First of all, he is by far the biggest kid in his age group. Second, because he couldn't listen to his coach. He was off in his own world, doing his own thing. But he seemed to have fun because everytime we talk about it, he says, "We won the game, mommy". "I won the contest".
Andee turned one today. I am so grateful she was sent to our home. She is such a sweet little girl. I love her so much, here are some of her pics from today! She was so funny with the cake. She didn't really eat it, just kept squishing it between her fingers and smearing it all over her high chair. She didn't understand the whole opening present thing, but she loved the toys that came out. So did Damon. They played with those toys the rest of the night until us mean parents put an end to all the fun and put them bed. I love my family! They are the world to me.
The other night when Tyler and I were redoing the piano bench, we had out Tyler tools, and of course Damon was right there every second. He wanted to help, so he ran into his room and grabbed his Train Belt, and put some of Tyler's tools in it. The rest of the night Damon was looking for bears with the flashlight. Everytime we talked and it was louder than a whisper Damon would ssshhh us and say, "Quiet, you'll wake the bears." He was loving every minute of it!
Grandpa Scott introduced Andee into a new favorite toy/thing to do.
Last night she wasn't feeling very well, she had a little fever and Grandpa Scott got her favorite blankie and laid her on it in the laundry basket, hooked up the rope and pulled her around the house for a while. She stayed laying down the whole time, it was super cute!
Thanksgiving came a little early for us this year. My Dad, bro and lil sis drove down Friday, the 21st, from Idaho and stayed for about a week. They left today, Thanksgiving day :( I am really going to miss them. I loved every second they were here, it was so much fun. We mostly hung out, went to parks, and out to eat. Grandpa Scott took Damon on lots of walks and bought him a train utility belt, Kinny took Damon to Bolt, my dad and I went running and worked out together, and Uncle Judd slept a lot, and made us laugh a lot, too. He also bought Damon some more trains (just what he needed). We ate a ton of food this week, probably gained a couple of pounds each, but it was totally worth it! Thanks you guys for making that sacrifice to drive all that way, I don't think you realize how much we appreciated it. Thanks for a great week! Time flew by, we miss you!
Damon loves to put Andee on the couch with him whenever he is watching a cartoon. Andee loves it, too. They are starting to get a long better, or should I say Damon is becoming more tolerant of her, sharing his toys with her, playing with her, and always wanting to pick her up. I think now that she can interact more with him, Damon is seeing how fun it can be to have a sibling.
This is one of those pics that are so ugly it's cute. She sleeps in our dark closet, so when she wakes up and we turn on the light, it takes a minute for her to adjust and she always pulls this face. I'm her mom, so of course I think it's cute!
Isn't it amazing how fast babies grow in the first year? I am in awe when I look at this picture and realize how much Andee has grown this year!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Because of a crazy 3rd Year of endless Clinics and School I haven't really been there for Damon. Every time I come home at night he has to compete for my attention. So today it was just me and him at Fairy Land. He is such a good little boy and I love him tons.
Our garage into our apartment complex got broken into Sunday night. Our car and two other cars got broken into. The "bad guys" (that's what we told Damon when he asked who did it), broke out the back side window on each of the three cars. When I went down to check out the car I felt so creepy, everything had been pulled out of the glove box and the middle console and kind of thrown around the whole front of the car. We did have an ipod and a radio converter for it that was stolen. Luckily they didn't take the carseats or the nice stroller in the trunk. Those are actually worth a lot of money, so thank goodness for that. Believe it or not, there is a plus side to this. I had to vaccuum up all the broken glass in the backseat, so our car is now nice and clean!
Is there such a thing as "The Halloween Spirit?" I've never really gotten into Hallween before, but for some reason this year I've done more for Halloween than I've probably done in my whole life combined. Last night we had FHE at Jeremy and Janelle's and we carved pumpkins. I don't think I've ever carved my own pumpkin before. I'm sure we did as kids, but my memory is terrible (so mom once again, you'll have to refresh my memory). We got online and printed off some outlines to carve, enjoy...
Here is Tyler's.
Here is mine.
Here is all of them. Who knew you could do such cool things with a silly little pumpkin.
Like I said earlier about getting into Halloween this year, I made my first decorated cake. I know it's not great, but it was still fun.
We went on a hay ride, which was kind of fun even though it cost $2/person. I even had to pay for Andee which I thought was a little strange, but still fun!
I forgot my camera the other day when we went to the pumpkin patch in San Francisco, thanks Janelle for taking some pictures. There are super cute!