Our little Andee is growing up so fast. I can't believe that she is already 6 months old :(
Here are a few things I love about her:
1) She is such a sweeite. Her disposition is so quiet and observant and loving. She loves to watch Damon and smiles and laughs whenever he walks into the room. I think she'll be his little shadow when she gets a little older.
2) She loves her mommy. Whenever I walk into the room she starts whining for me to hold her and cuddle her. If I'm gone and Tyler is babysitting, she does great with him until I walk into the house and she hears me. Then she starts crying and immediately stops as soon as I hold her, she'll look up at me with a huge smile and I just melt. I love that she loves me!
3) She is a great sleeper! What more do you want from a baby than a good nights rest? I am so grateful that she loves to sleep.
4) Her hair. I love putting her hair into a little palm tree pony every day.
I love my little girl so much!